Board reading climate justice now held in front of Scottish Parliament
Board reading climate justice now held in front of Scottish Parliament

A greener Scotland publications

Find our latest reports and briefings related to climate change policy in Scotland.

Cleared for take off: a private jet tax for Scotland

September 2024

This discussion paper focuses on an egregious example of climate injustice: the use of private jets. It calls for a Private Jet Tax in Scotland and across the rest of the UK, while setting out a wider package of options to better tax this luxury mode of transportation and to start managing aviation demand.

A Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill for Scotland

June 2024

This briefing sets out the case for a new Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill for Scotland and the key elements required to make it effective. It was produced by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland, Carnegie UK, Oxfam Scotland and Scotland’s International Development Alliance.

No home left behind: Funding a just transition to clean heat in Scotland

June 2024

This report by IPPR Scotland examines how the costs and benefits of transitioning to clean heating across Scotland’s housing stock can be shared fairly. This project was supported by Oxfam Scotland, in collaboration with the Scottish federation of Housing Associations and The Pebble Trust.

The case for fair tax reform in Scotland

September 2023

This joint briefing note outlines the need for fairer and better tax to fund action on poverty and inequality, while investing in care and tackling the climate crisis. It was collaboratively produced by IPPR Scotland, Oxfam Scotland, Poverty Alliance, CPAG in Scotland, Scottish Women’s Budget Group, One Parent Families Scotland, and the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland, and endorsed by a diverse range of 52 organisations across Scotland.

Climate Manifesto, Policies to deliver action and justice

September 2023

This briefing was collaboratively produced by members of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland and outlines policies that can be taken by the Scottish Government, UK Government and Local Authorities to accelerate climate justice. It was produced for Stop Climate Chaos Scotland by Dr Richard Dixon, an independent environmental consultant, with funding and support from Oxfam Scotland

Financing Climate Justice, Fiscal Measures for Climate Action in a time of crisis

October 2020

This briefing explores how policymakers can use fiscal measures – anything where a flow of money is used to change behaviour or raise money to fund priorities – to help accelerate and fund Scotland’s climate ambitions. It was produced for Stop Climate Chaos Scotland by Dr Richard Dixon, an independent environmental consultant, with funding and support from Oxfam Scotland and Scotland’s Catholic International Aid Fund.

Glasgow Climate Dialogues

September 2021

The Glasgow Climate Dialogues were four online sessions, from 6-9 September 2021, designed to engage with, learn from and platform key Global South stakeholders on climate change ahead of COP26. Oxfam Scotland and Oxfam in Bangladesh let on the Dialogue on the session of Adaptation & Resilience.

Care, Climate and Covid-19, Building a Wellbeing Economy for Scotland

November 2020

This briefing explores Oxfam Scotland’s priorities and recommendations for the Scottish Parliament both immediately and beyond the Scottish election in May 2021. It focuses on the measures needed to tackle poverty in Scotland, while contributing to sustainable international development and responding to humanitarian crises.

Scotland for A Fairer World: 2021-26 Policy Priorities

October 2020

This briefing by Scotland’s International Development Alliance was produced with input from Oxfam Scotland and outlines the Alliance’s policy priories for the 2021-2026 Scottish Parliament.

Inclusive Business, Recommendations for enhancing the Scottish Business Pledge as a driver of change

August 2018

This briefing makes recommendations for how to strengthen the Scottish Government’s Business Pledge as a tool to drive improved business practice.

Even It Up: Scotland’s role in tackling poverty by reducing inequality at home and abroad – Oxfam’s policy priorities for the Scottish Parliament

October 2015

In this report, Oxfam Scotland urges the Scottish Parliament to use its powers to reduce inequality and poverty, both at home in Scotland and abroad.

The Scottish Doughnut: A safe and just operating space for Scotland

July 2014

The world faces twin challenges: delivering a decent standard of living for everyone, whilst living within our environmental limits. These two interwoven concerns are depicted by Oxfam’s Doughnut Model. The paper then provides a snap-shot of Scotland’s current situation by assessing performance against suggested domains and indicators.