A globally responsible Scotland publications
Find our latest reports and briefings related to international and sustainable development and aid policy in Scotland.

June 2024
How governments can really ‘shift the power’ towards global justice.
Scotland’s International Development Alliance explores the steps the Scottish and UK governments can take to be more feminist, decolonial, anti-racist and inclusive on their policy making. The report was supported by Oxfam Scotland.

June 2024
This briefing sets out the case for a new Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill for Scotland and the key elements required to make it effective. It was produced by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland, Carnegie UK, Oxfam Scotland and Scotland’s International Development Alliance.
Outcomes-focused Policy Making in Scotland
July 2021
This policy making tool, which supports policymakers to take a holistic view of systemic problems, is focused on the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Scotland’s National Performance Framework (NPF). It is the result of a partnership between the Scottish Government, the International Development Education Association of Scotland (IDEAS) Network, Scotland’s International Development Alliance, the SDG Network Scotland and Oxfam Scotland.
Care, Climate and Covid-19, Building a Wellbeing Economy for Scotland
November 2020
This briefing explores Oxfam Scotland’s priorities and recommendations for the Scottish Parliament both immediately and beyond the Scottish election in May 2021. It focuses on the measures needed to tackle poverty in Scotland, while contributing to sustainable international development and responding to humanitarian crises.
Scotland for A Fairer World: 2021-26 Policy Priorities
October 2020
This briefing by Scotland’s International Development Alliance was produced with input from Oxfam Scotland and outlines the Alliance’s policy priories for the 2021-2026 Scottish Parliament.
On Target for 2030? An independent snapshot review of Scotland’s progress against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
July 2019
This report outlines the findings of a snapshot review of Scotland’s performance in delivering the UN Sustainable Development Goals based on the views of Scottish civil society organisations. The project was collaboratively delivered by Oxfam Scotland, the University of the West of Scotland, the SDG Network Scotland, and the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, with support from the UWS-Oxfam Partnership.
Inclusive Business, Recommendations for enhancing the Scottish Business Pledge as a driver of change
August 2018
This briefing makes recommendations for how to strengthen the Scottish Government’s Business Pledge as a tool to drive improved business practice.
Even It Up: Scotland’s role in tackling poverty by reducing inequality at home and abroad – Oxfam’s policy priorities for the Scottish Parliament
October 2015
In this report, Oxfam Scotland urges the Scottish Parliament to use its powers to reduce inequality and poverty, both at home in Scotland and abroad.
The Long-Term Integration of Gateway Protection Programme Refugees in Motherwell, North Lanarkshire
October 2014
This report explores the experience of refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo who were settled in Motherwell from 2007 under the Gateway Protection Programme, the UK’s official refugee settlement programme. It was produced by Duncan Sim and Kait Laughlin Hussain from the University of the West of Scotland and funded by the UWS-Oxfam Partnership.
The Scottish Doughnut: A safe and just operating space for Scotland
July 2014
The world faces twin challenges: delivering a decent standard of living for everyone, whilst living within our environmental limits. These two interwoven concerns are depicted by Oxfam’s Doughnut Model. The paper then provides a snap-shot of Scotland’s current situation by assessing performance against suggested domains and indicators.