Andy Aitchison / Oxfam
Time for leaders to shift their gaze from party politics to the planet
The power-sharing deal between the SNP and Scottish Greens has collapsed.
Responding to the news, Jamie Livingstone, Head of Oxfam Scotland, said: “Regardless of who holds the reins of power, the resounding message from the Scottish public is clear: it’s time for our leaders to shift their gaze from party politics to the planet, with a relentless focus on delivering fair solutions to the climate crisis.
“All parties at Holyrood must work together to deliver the investment needed to turbocharge climate action to build the fairer, greener and more equal Scotland we all want to live in.”
For more information and interviews, please contact: Rebecca Lozza, Oxfam Media and Communications Adviser, Scotland and Wales: / 07917738450