Glenrothes Oxfam shop to close
Oxfam pays tribute to volunteers, donors and shoppers for their long-standing generosity.
After 31 years of trading, Oxfam’s shop in Glenrothes will shut its doors for the last time on Saturday the 30th of September.
Jo Christison, Area Manager for Oxfam Trading in Edinburgh and the South East Scotland said: “We truly regret the shop in Glenrothes is closing; it marks the end of an era in the town.
“Oxfam is constantly evaluating the profitability of all our shops to ensure we’re efficient and making the most money for Oxfam’s vital work. Sometimes this process results in us having to close a shop if it isn’t found to be viable, but these decisions are always made with a heavy heart and are never taken lightly.”
While the closure is a disappointment, the shop’s current manager Catherine Ferns says it is also a chance to pay tribute to the many volunteers, donors and supporters who have come through the shop’s doors over the years.
Catherine Ferns said: “We’d like to thank all of the people who have helped us, not just today’s volunteers, but everyone who has worked with us over the years, as well as those who have shopped with us and who have used us to drop off cash donations.
“Before I became manager, I volunteered with the shop for 8 years so I’m really going to miss this place. I’m proud of what we’ve all achieved in Glenrothes though and the local community should be too; together we’ve raised over £1,960,000 to help Oxfam in the global fight against poverty and injustice.”
Ahead of its closure, the shop is no longer able to accept donations and it is currently running a special closing down sale.
Jo Christison added: “We’d like to thank the staff and volunteers in Glenrothes for all their hard work in the shop, and pass on our thanks to everyone in the town who has helped Oxfam over the years.
“We hope that people in Glenrothes will continue to show their generosity towards Oxfam, either through donations or purchases via our our online store, which can be found at”
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For more information please contact: Rebecca Lozza, Media and Communications Officer, Oxfam Scotland, on 0141 285 8875 / 07880785159 or