A Scotland that Cares – the Campaign for a new National Outcome on Care
Everyone needs cared for at some point in their life: as a child, in later life, or due to additional support needs. In fact, care is crucial to every part of Scotland’s society and the economy that serves it.
Yet, for too long, people who care for others, paid or unpaid, have been under-valued and under-rewarded, creating significant personal and financial costs for many individuals and their families – particularly for women who provide most care – as well as costs for society as a whole.
While these issues long pre-dated Covid-19, the pandemic has simply reinforced the need to end this injustice.
Our Campaign
Our coalition of organisations are campaigning together for a new National Outcome to fully value and invest in those experiencing care and all those providing it. This campaign – which is now known as the “A Scotland that Cares” campaign – is created by Oxfam Scotland, Carers Scotland, Scottish Care, One Parent Families Scotland, the Scottish Women’s Budget Group, with support from the University of the West of Scotland.
Together, we are calling for the Scottish Government to add a dedicated National Outcome on Care to their existing set of Outcomes. These are the goals which the Government says describe “the kind of Scotland it aims to create”.
Right now, care – and all those provide it – are invisible. This can’t be right.
For the first time in five years, the Scottish Government will soon review their National Outcomes. They must now put care at the heart of their vision for Scotland, and then use this to drive deeper policy and spending action.
Some positive actions have been taken, or are planned, to better value care, but progress is too slow and shallow. A National Outcome on Care is not a substitute for immediate action and it won’t solve the undervaluation of care overnight. But it will set a path towards transformative change, and ensure progress is transparently monitored.
Scotland can become one of the first countries to make such a comprehensive commitment.
Our Blueprint for a National Outcome on Care
We’ve worked with University of the West of Scotland to develop a blueprint for a new National Outcome, this recommends a new Outcome stating: “We fully value and invest in those experiencing care and all those providing it“.
Crucially, the University also identified a set of National Indicators to help track progress:
- The quality of life of carers, care workers and those experiencing care;
- The quality of care for all;
- The financial wellbeing of carers, care workers and those experiencing care;
- The voice and influence of carers, care workers and those experiencing care;
- Access to education and training;
- The adequacy of funding for care;
- The job quality of social care and childcare workers.
We want the Scottish Government to test our proposal with people with direct experience of care and – if necessary – improve it. We then want it to make this deep commitment to those who rely on and provide care in Scotland.
We also want every party in the Scottish Parliament to support the creation of a new National Outcome on Care as a clear sign that they are also committed to valuing and investing in those who experience, and provide, care.
How to Get Involved
Ahead of the Scottish Government’s consultation on their National Outcomes, we want to demonstrate the depth of support for a new National Outcome on Care.
Firstly, we’re asking organisations to support the Campaign, and then – once the Scottish Government’s consultation opens – we’ll ask for their support to help us show the support of people with direct experience of care.
If your organisation wishes to support the Campaign, we kindly ask you to do the following:
- Send your logo to scotland@oxfam.org.uk and, in the email, complete this sentence: “We want Scotland to fully value and invest in care because…” (We will use your logo and quote in our communications about the Campaign, and keep you informed.)
- If your organisation uses Twitter, please share this image, with this tweet: We’re backing the “A Scotland that Cares” campaign for a new National Outcome on care. Find out more: https://bit.ly/a-scotland-that-cares #ScotlandCares
Contact Us
For more information, or to find out how to get more involved, please contact: scotland@oxfam.org.uk.